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Which is better Salesforce or SAP ?
Answer 1
BCA Science & Bachelor of Computer Applications Degrees, Indira Gandhi National Open University (2023)
Choosing CRM is similar to a complex Hercules’ task when so many options are available online and you have to decide any one of them that suits your business requirements the most.
Out of so many options, our focus of discussion is Salesforce and SAP here. Let us have a quick look at both of them and which one can be a great option for you in terms of career and job opportunities.
Based on the depth analysis and features comparison of these two CRM products, let us see what can be the best option for you.
Each CRM is different from certain benefits and drawbacks. Based on your interests or business needs, one CRM may get a better score when compared to another one.
There is no doubt that both are given high preferences and it completely depends on your interest and choice which you prefer the most as a career option.
Both CRMs are considered best in different terms like Sales automation, pipeline
Answer 2
Ritesh Osta
Tech Marketer & Online Business Consultant
Better for career enhancement, SAP SD, SAP CRM, Salesforce, or IT requirement analyst?
SAP CRM: now this is “salesforce” component of SAP, this module is the extension of SAP from where you can create or integrate marketing and sales campaign, ads and promotions,
This module is used by the Marketing team to create marketing campaign through SAP.
Many client used salesforce (instead of SAP CRM) for this instead! because apparantly sales force is a better CRM product, and you can integrate salesforce crm to SAP central component instead of going for SAP CRM.
Long story short, if you are interested in Marketing as career then go for salesforce or SAP CRM.
Now lets talk about IT requirement analyst.
Now this requires a function and maybe little technical understanding as well, what I understand is you have to play a role between functional consultants and requirement gathering team, which needs good expertise and communication skills.
Answer 3
lives in Wakad, Maharashtra, India (2018-present)
It is important to know the differences between SAP and Salesforce
SAP is an ERP and its span includes the whole business – Sales, Warehouse, Finance, Procurement, Production, Customer service etc. Its newer modules include CRM (Sales, Service, Marketing), SRM, APO, SCM, FSCM (Finance), Cloud for Customer (again CRM). SAP is programmed in ABAP. Fiori is a user interface solution by SAP. UI5 is another UI solution from SAP (it includes CSS3, HTML5, Javascript).
Salesforce is a CRM solution with Sales, Service and Marketing. It is a cloud based solution. Salesforce is programmed in Apex. Any new salesforce apps are written in apex.
Only from a CRM perspective, Salesforce is a better solution than SAP. It has got the higher revenue share compared to SAP’s CRM and C4C. It is the market leader in CRM.
SAP however, is the market leader in ERP’s. It’s CRM solution is catching up (it is still number 2 behind Salesforce).