
What does SAP configuration mean?

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What does SAP configuration mean?

Answer 1

Hamoud Rodriguez

SAP ERP and MES consultant

You need to keep this in mind: SAP ERP is a standard software! What does that mean? You buy it out of the box without anything being developed specifically for you. It’s in that way the opposite of individual software development.

Why is that useful? You do not need to start from scratch! Every company has to do a lot that every other company needs to do too: posting goods issues and goods receipts, creating purchase orders, creating sales order…etc.

This is exactly where configuration comes into place. It’s a level of abstraction above coding, that let’s you parametrize the following things: organizational structure, functions and processes.

That’s why every SAP ERP implementation is in some way different. The software is designed in such an open way to let you configure it the way you need it. This at the end defines how your individual company runs, it’s your processes!

Technically you do that with transaction code SPRO that is not known and visible to the standard SAP ERP user. Btw. this is the main work to do by SAP consultants and effort factor during implementation. Transferring business requirements into a system configuration!

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