
What is SAP testing and it’s scope?

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What is SAP testing and it’s scope?

Answer 1

Lonnie Ayers,

works at SAP

SAP Testing covers a very broad swath of activities. But I will give it a shot and try to avoid the technical names like unit, integration, performance and regression.

During an implementation there are about 5 levels of testing (depends mostly on budget), ranging from basic functional testing right on up to full-on unit and integration testing.

You first have to test that it is configured correctly and as designed.

Keep in mind, just because it works as designed, doesn’t mean your design is correct in the first place, so you also have to test and verify that it does what is really needed.

You then need to test that it still works correctly, or plays well, with all the related components that it is designed to work with. For example, test whether when you create a P.O. a financial obligation is created in the finance module.

You will also need to perform various types of load testing, in other words, use a simulation tool to hit it with massive transaction volumes to find out where and whether it will break (it can nearly always be broken). You need to know this for a lot of reasons, particularly with regards to hardware sizing, network performance optimization and other technical aspects of your environment.

Finally, you will need to ensure that your system plays well with others, by performing cross-system testing. For instance, it is not unusual for a Bank to have 100s if not 1000s of systems, and SAP will need to be tested and certified as operating successfully in this landscape.

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