What are the SAP Basis interview questions?
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What are the SAP Basis interview questions?
Answer 1
1) What is SAP Basis?
SAP basis acts as an operating system or a platform for SAP applications to run. It supports the entire range of SAP applications.
2) What is the difference between Developer Trace, System Log and System Trace?
a) System Trace: When you want to record internal SAP system activities, system trace is used. The trace is useful in diagnosis internal problems within SAP system and the host system.
b) System Log : To know the recent logs for application server and CI, System log is referred.
c) Developer Trace: In the event of problems, developer trace, records the technical information about the error or problem
For problem analysis and system monitoring Developer trace or System log is used.
3) In a situation where My SAP system is down (Users unable to login to SAP system), how to analyze the problem?
a) Check the Database status
b) SAP services
c) SAP management console ( Dispatcher, IGS and Message Server)
d) You need to find out trace root on the basis of point at serial no ( c ).
e) Check network connectivity if everything is ok
4) What is private mode?
- In private mode, the heap data is exclusively allocated by the user and is no more shared or available across the system. This occurs when your extended memory is exhausted.
5) What is OSP$ mean?
- Two users “OPS$adm” and “OPS$SAP” Service are created in your SAP system and to connect and communicate with database internally this user mechanism is used.
6) What are the different types of RFC and explain what Transactional RFC is?
RFC (Remote Function Call) is a mechanism to communicate and exchanging the information between other SAP systems. There are four types of RFC’s system
a) Synchronous RFC ( S RFC)
b) Asynchronous RFC (A RFC)
c) Transactional RFC ( T RFC)
d) Queued RFC (Q RFC)
Transactional RFC ( T RFC ) : This type of RFC is similar to asynchronous RFC, but by allocating a transaction ID (TID) it makes sure that the request sent multiple times due to an error must process only for once. In T RFC the remote system does not have to be available at the moment unlike asynchronous RFC.
7) What is OCM and how to apply OCM Patches?
- OCM stands for online correction system, by using SPAM you can apply OCM Patches.
8) How to perform a SAP-export and import tables in SAP from OS level?
To export or import tables in SAP from OS level you have to follow three steps and by using R3trans utility in SAP
- Step 1: Collect all list of tables to be exported
- Step 2: Check whether enough disk space is available in the directory where you going to export.
- Step 3: Create two control files for R3trans which will be used for import and export.
9) What is the difference between – support package, kernel and SAP note?
- SAP Note: An error in a single transaction or program is removed by implementing a SAP note.
- Kernel: Kernel contains the executable files (.EXE) like other applications and when a Kernel upgrade is done a new version of the EXE file replaces the older versions.
- Support Package: SAP support packages is a bunch of corrections, this can be used by applying transaction SPAM
10) How can you find the list of objects that have been repaired in the system?
- The list of objects that have been repaired can be found in the system having ADIRACCESS keys.
11) What is the purpose of table TADIR?
- Table TADIR contains object directory entries.
12) Is it possible to install SAP patches when other users are online?
When other users are online we can’t install SAP patches, as support manager will not be able to update and it will terminate it. So it is always feasible to better apply support packs when there is no users login into the system.
13) Mention what is the difference between SDM and JSPM?
JSPM ( Java Support Package Manager) is used to apply support packages on deployed software components. In other words it’s a tool that allows you to install the components and support packages.
SDM ( Software Delivery Manager) is used for importing Java Support Packages. To deploy and manage software packages received from SAP, SDM tool is used.
JSPM uses SDM for the deployment purpose
14) What is the procedure to disable import all option from STMS in SAP?
To disable import all option from STMS in SAP, steps are:
a) Go to STMS T-code
b) Go to menu option overview
c) Select System
d) Choose SAP System
e) Go to transport tool tab
f) Create parameter “No_Import_All” with value set as 1
g) Save it
Answer 2
Malini Malini
former Manager
The interview questions are may useful for fresher
1. What is ERP?
2. What is the different type of ERP’s?
3. Tell me briefly about SAP?
4. What are the different sap products?
5. What is Net weaver?
6. List the different modules in SAP?
8. Is SAP A Database?
9. How many SAP sessions can you work on at a given time?
10. What is a transaction in SAP terminology?
11. Can we run a business warehouse without SAP R/3 implementation?
12. Mention what do you mean by datasets?
13. What are variable?
14. Mention what are the different types of variables?
15. Mention some of the setbacks of SAP?
16. Mention where are the t-code name and program values stored? Explain how can you find a list of all t-codes in the SAP system?
17. Mention what is the difference between OLAP and data mining?
18. Mention what are the there stages of data mining?
19. Mention what are the different layers in the R/3 system?
20. Mention what is the process to create a table in the data dictionary?
21. Mention what is AWB?
22. Explain what is Bex?
23. Mention what is the importance of ODS is BIN?
24. Mention what is the difference between Domain and data element?
25. Mention what is SET paraments and GET parameters?
26. Mention what is LUW?
Answer 3
Karthik Thirumuruganathan
former Sap basis administration at Sony India
I have just 3 years of Experience in Basis, Some of the questions i was asked is.
If you de-implement a manual correction notes, what would happen to manual corrections?
Some of the users report slowness in SAP SYstem, what are the basic tcodes you will use?
In a situation where My SAP system is down (Users unable to login to SAP system), how to analyze the problem?
What is private mode?
What are the different types of RFC?
What is the difference between – support package, kernel and SAP note?
different type of users in SAP?
types of work processes in SAP?
have you done refresh, what is the steps involved?
Have you done kernel upgrade, explain the process?