Top 10 Solution Manager Interview Questions
FAQ on SAP Solution Manager
1- Where do i find information on Solution manager ?
Its one more server appart from R/3 System
2- What is solution manager?
Its a server – In the networking(Architect) language It like a middle ware or Inbetween all the SAP system or centeral unit in the SAP Landscape Architecture.
3- Does Solution manager come, If you install ECC5.0 or ECC6.0 ?
- ECC5.0 or ECC6.0 and My Sap are the software bundles and Solution manager is a part of the Software Bundle
- Yes you need to install it seprately apart from R/3 or ECC5.0 or ECC6.0 please – then you would understand or utility of the actual advantage of solution Manager please.
4- For interview point of view, what should i know about solution manager,ECC6.0 and ECC5.0 ?
It depends what u want to study for the interview – like Early watch reports – Configuration of SM – Data Flow – RFC connection -IDOCS – ALE and many please.
5- What is the difference between ECC6.0 and ECC5.0 ?
- They are different bundles of Software ( two different versions please )
- ECC 6 is more advanced or latest – for latest configuration please check the SAP web site.
6- What is BI ? Does it come with ECC6 or ECC5 ?
- Business Intigration – I hope you are talking about software only -In R/3 It means Bach Inputs.
- Generally BI is included with the SAP bundles- and SAP Recommends.