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Is SAP ECC 6.0 a software or a system?
Answer 1
Software Engineer
What is SAP ECC 6.0 and what benefits does it provide? Business solutions are a constant work in progress, and in order for us to understand the capabilities of the newer ERP products, it is important for us to trace their evolution.
SAP ECC 6.0 is the most recent version of SAP’s enterprise resource planning software, which in general terms provides end-to-end software support for a business.
By end to end, we mean finance, sales, manufacturing, human resources, sales and distribution, project management and customer relationships.
There is of course an option to develop from scratch one software each, tailor fitted to the needs and demands of a specific business function. While this may be more inexpensive in the short run, the benefits will be limited and aggregating all the information will prove to be a difficult task a new.
Not so for ERP, which is its latest form under SAP is now called SAP ECC 6.0. Aside from the advantages of having individual modules for each aspect of business operations, SAP ECC 6.0 allows for the seamless integration of data across various modules. Thus, any information generated by the sales and distribution module is automatically available and usable by those working in the financial aspect of the company. Likewise, the SAP ECC 6.0 will be able to know the effects of an increase in the price of inputs or a temporary work stoppage on the overall sales and distribution of the company’s products.
SAP ECC 6.0 is short for ERP Central Component, a direct descendant of the mainframe-based SAP R/2 and client server-based SAP R/3. The SAP ECC 6.0, being a more recent development, factors in all the advances made in technology since the introduction of the first ERP brands many years ago.
Answer 2
Yogi Kalra
studied at Rotman School of Management
Essentially a packaged software but then it has to ‘run’ on a hardware platform, so from that perspective it is also called a system. Think of it as a very very very large Excel – there is lots and lots of what it can do, but at the end of the day, there is only so much it can do. And that so much is usually enough for all corporations. So, it is a software that ‘replicates’ the ‘systems’ of a company – sales, distribution, finance, planning, production, procurement, you name it.
Answer 3
Neil Aspin
SAP Delivery Architect at Edenhouse (2014-present)
If someone refers to their ‘SAP system’ it will generally mean their ERP (ECC means ERP central component)System (although it could mean any SAP product really). The system is the hardware, operating system, database, Netweaver stack AND the ECC software. ECC is a bit dated now and companies are being urged to move to S4.