
Does Amazon use SAP?

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Does Amazon use SAP?

Answer 1

Sreedhar Natarajan

works at Amazon

  • Amazon has been in the business of maintaining their vendor information, managing inventory, selling those products, maintaining financial statements, since late 90’s. At that stage it would have been really hard and expensive for a small company to afford a system like SAP. So Amazon built a strong team of engineers and product managers who helped build lot of scalable systems in order to address the use case they had at the time. Also they did not have so many use cases to start with and would have been an overkill to adopt a system like SAP.
  • Over time Amazon’s business thrived and they ventured in to a lot of other areas and with time added more functionalities to their existing system or built new system to address the use case, since at that time it would have made more logical sense than adopting a new system altogether.
  • SAP tries to take in to account multiple business processes while designing their system so that out of the box the system could support many of the use cases. This also means there are lots of overhead in terms of updating tables or running routines which might be excessive for Amazon’s business and will make the processing slower.
  • Amazon does not follow the practices which are typically followed by many other companies and it has taken many initiatives which have never been done before by any other company. Also they have changed their process many time as the business requirements change and if they could not adapt quickly they would not have grown so quickly. In order to accomplish similar functionalities with their SAP installation, they would have to heavily customize or figured out that it would be very hard to accomplish it within the system which will not be very good for Amazon.
  • These days the systems they own are very sophisticated and so functional that it would not make sense for them to take a step backward and try to adopt SAP for some of our business processes which might not help them solve some of the challenges they have. Also it would require too much effort and cost them too much cost to get to the current state.
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