What is dashboard?
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What is dashboard?
Network Administrator at Microsoft
A dash board can be created using the web application Designer (WAD) or the visual composer (VC). A dashboard is just a collection of reports, views and links etc in a single view. For e.g. igoogle is a dashboard.
A dashboard is a graphical reporting interface, which displays KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) as charts and graphs. A dashboard is a performance management system when we look at the all organization measures how they are performing with helicopter view, we need a report that teaches and shows the trend in a graphical display quickly. These reports are called as Dashboard Reports, still we can report these measures individually, but by keeping all measures in a single page, we are creating single access point to the users to view all information available to them. Absolutely this will save lot of precious time, gives clarity on decision that needs to be taken, helps the users to understand the measure(s) trend with business flow creating dashboard Dashboards: Could be built with Visual Composer & WAD create your dashboard in BW,
(1) Create all BEx Queries with required variants, tune them perfectly.
(2) Differentiate table queries and graph queries.
(3) Choose the graph type required that meet your requirement.
(4) Draw the layout how the Dashboard page looks like.
(5) Create a web template that has navigational block / selection information.
(6) Keep navigational block fields are common across the measures.
(7) Include the relevant web items into web template.
(8) Deploy the URL/Iview to users through portal/intranet
The steps to be followed in the creation of Dashboard using WAD are summarized as below:
1) Open a New Web template in WAD.
2) Define the tabular layout as per the requirements so as to embed the necessary web items.
3) Place the appropriate web items in the appropriate tabular grids
4) Assign queries to the web items (A Query assigned to a web item is called as a data provider)
5) Care should be taken to ensure that the navigation block’s selection parameters are common across all the BEx queries of the affected data providers.
6) Properties of the individual web items are to be set as per the requirements. They can be modified in Properties window or in the HTML code.
7) The URL when this web template is executed should be used in the portal/intranet.