What is Best Practices for IBP?
SAP Online Classes provides Best SAP training Online based on current industry standards that helps attendees to secure placements in their dream jobs at MNCs. SOC is one of the most credible ERP SAP Online training provider, offering hands on practical knowledge and full job assistance with basic as well as advanced level ERP SAP Implementation Training. At SOC ERP SAP training Online is conducted by subject specialist corporate professionals with 14+ years of experience in managing real-time ERP SAP projects.
What is Best Practices for IBP?
Computer Scientist at TCS
SAP Best Practices for SAP Integrated Business Planning (Best Practices for IBP) gives you everything you need to run planning processes in the IBP applications: IBP for demand, IBP for inventory, IBP for response & supply (time-series based optimizer and order-based planning), IBP for sales & operations, IBP for demand-driven replenishment and Supply Chain Control Tower. All scope items are based on one comprehensive data model which enables you to execute an integrated, end-to-end business process.
The extensive documentation of solution configuration and process execution is a good resource for self-study, evaluation, as well as for project team and end-user training.
Best Practices for IBP was formerly known as Rapid Deployment Solutions for SAP Integrated Business Planning (RDS for IBP).