SAP Analytics Cloud – Application Designer – Tab Strip + Timer Widgets:
Tab Strip:
As name implies, Tab Strip is a container widget that is used to view tabbed pages. We can add multiple tabs and place widgets within each tab. It acts as its own separate canvas. By default, the tab strip comes with 2 tabs but we can add as many from the builder panel and change text for each Tab.
Tab Script has scripting events onSelect which will be executed whenever the end-user changes the tab.
Timer object enables you to start a timer to trigger timing events. By leveraging the feature of a timer, you can realize different scenarios such as:
In this blog, we will add a tab strip widget and create 4 tabs. In each tab we will add charts. And then we will create an application where its tabs/pages change automatically when user clicks on Play button and stops whenever he/she wants by clicking on stop button.
Addition to this we will add two right and left helper button for manually changing the tabs from left to right or right to left.
Now, lets go and see how it can be used in SAC:
I hope you have basic understanding of SAP Analytics cloud , application designer and how applications can be created in it.
Pre-requisite for learning SAP Analytics designer is to have understanding of Javascript.
Step 1: Open SAC, From the top select Create and then go to Analytic Application.
Step 2: Add a tab strip widget into Canvas area of application. Add multiple charts in each of the tabs.