Is IBP ready for prime time?
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Is IBP ready for prime time?
Dinesh Pandey
Software Engineer at TCS
Typical consulting answer: It depends. From an IT perspective, it is a solid application since it uses components from established SAP applications. For example, the HANA database, the MS Excel front end, and the HCI data integration platform, etc. are all proven SAP technologies. The S&OP application in IBP is mature enough to be implemented right now and should provide value quickly. It was evident from the IBP roadmap session here at Sapphire that there was a lot of functionality in release 6.0 (due later this year) that a client may just want to wait for (e.g. statistical models, full optimization, etc.). So the full answer here is that it will depend on your individual requirements as to which parts of IBP would make sense to implement in your organization today.