How to change timezone in SAP?
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The current time is determined incorrectly in the SAP System. The time difference is usually displayed in the spool or in the status dialog box (in the ‘System’ -> ‘Status’ menu).
These time differences often occur after the time change or by the incorrect Customizing of the time zones.
Generally, note that all systems should use the same time zone. That is, both the R/3 system and the operating system should use the same system time zone and the same daylight saving time rule.
In addition, note that the UTC timer (‘Universal Time Coordinated UTC’) must not be changed. The UTC timer counts the seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00, Greenwich Mean Time. With a correct setting, it contains the same value at the same time in all hosts, regardless of their location.
First check the settings using the analysis report from 481835.
1. Check the system time zone
In the R/3 system, you can check this using transaction ‘STZAC’.
Check the settings in the operating system (you can use the values from the analysis report to help you here: the ‘SY-TZONE’ values includes the difference for UTC without taking into consideration the daylight saving time).
2. Check the summertime settings
In the R/3 system, you can check this using transaction ‘STZBC’.
The analysis report displays the ‘SY-DAYST‘ value to show you whether the operating system currently considers a daylight saving time rule or not.
3. Check the UTC timer
For more information about this, see SAP Document 101726.
To check the value of the UTC timer, copy the ‘ZZUTCTIMER’ analysis report from the correction instructions and execute it. The report should return the current UTC time/date as a result.