Explain the meaning of equipment master?
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Explain the meaning of equipment master?
Sap Manager(2015-present)
Equipment Master pertains to one of the master data elements within the domain of Operations & Maintenance i.e. The SAP Plant Maintenance Module.
The business object “Equipment” is an individual, physical object that is to be maintained independently. It can be installed in a technical system or part of a technical system.
You can manage all types of devices as pieces of equipment (for example, production utilities, transportation utilities, test equipment, production resources/tools, buildings, PCs).
Since many of these physical objects are managed as “assets” in Asset Management, the term “piece of equipment” was chosen for objects defined from a technical perspective, in order to avoid confusion with the activated tangible assets.
You define and manage each piece of equipment in the Plant Maintenance (PM) System in a separate master record and can set up an individual maintenance history for each one.