Choose SAP Modules Based on Educational Qualification for Career in SAP
SAP Online Classes provides Best SAP training Online based on current industry standards that helps attendees to secure placements in their dream jobs at MNCs. SOC is one of the most credible ERP SAP Online training provider, offering hands on practical knowledge and full job assistance with basic as well as advanced level ERP SAP Implementation Training. At SOC ERP SAP training Online is conducted by subject specialist corporate professionals with 14+ years of experience in managing real-time ERP SAP projects.
On one hand people are very keen to pursue a career in SAP on the other there is a lot of ambiguity around the qualifications or modules that one should choose to be able to choose the right option.
The first and foremost thing that comes to your mind while deciding on which module should you could go in for depend on your education qualification and background. This is the most critical task as this would align you better in realizing your long terms career goals and aspirations.
And for that you need to just consider the two factors in selecting right SAP module that are mentioned below:
1.What is your life’s aim or career goal?
2.What is your Educational background and work experience?
Let us closely look at some of the popular educational qualifications and which modules would best suit them.
For an individual who has completed Human Resource (HR) Management, the best suited modules for him of her would be HR (Human Resource), Business One, By Design, Cloud, E-Recruitment, EAM, EHS, ERP, HCM, HR, Organization Management, Shared Service Framework. For any other stream of MBA, HCM, SAP Office modules would be suitable.
In the field of finance management– modules related to FICO, Business ByDesign, BPC, Cloud, CRM, EC, EAM, FSCM, SAP FSCD, Hybris, IM, IFSR, Plant Management, PS, SD, SEM, Shared Service Framework, SOD, Treasury, Travel Management, WMS would be most appropriate.
The modules closely associated to IT Management– would be Business One, IT Management, ABAP, BASIS, JAVA, ByDesign, BI, BO, BODS, FIORI, SAP GRC, GUI, HANA, Integration Server, IS, KW, Lumira, MDM, Mobile, Netweaver, Oracle, PI, PO, PE, PM, SAP Office, SAP UX, SCM, Solution Management, SAP Third Party, Unix, WM, Webdynpro.
Business ByDesign, EAM, FSCM, SAP GTS, SAP GRC, PS are the modules related to Risk Management.
Project Management would best go with SAP Bydesgin, PM, PS.
Business Process Management, Organization Management would best align with FICO, SAP ByDesign, BI, BPM, EC, EAM, EP, SAP XI, FSCM, SEM, Shared Service Framework, Treasury.