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10 YearsChallengeStory – Radoslaw Michalczyk

#10YearsChallengeStory – Radoslaw Michalczyk

As tribute to our colleagues who have been working for SAP Labs Poland for over
a decade we decided to interview them to about the past, their memories and future plans. In this series, we would love to thank them all and wish them all the best in their careers. Below the first anniversary interview with Radoslaw Michalczyk!

SAP LABS Poland: When exactly did you start working in our company?

RADOSLAW MICHALCZYK: It depends on what we mean saying “our company”. I haven’t changed my job for 14,5 years, but the next companies were taken over by larger ones.
The only CV I have written is in Polish language and it is about 15 years old.

  • 14.5 years ago I started working at Fargo
  • 12.5 years ago we started working with hybris
  • 8 years ago SAP bought hybris (if I’m not mistaken)
  • Perhaps 10 years ago, I officially switched to hybris contract (from Fargo). Honestly, I don’t remember exactly when, because it was only a change on the paper.

    SLP: What position did you start at and where are you now?

    R: At Fargo, I had worked as an intern programmer. At hybris, I was a Java developer
    (no one cared about titles in this company, there were no senior or junior positions) and it remained until the SAP time. I’m a Senior Business Analyst now, and Technology Principal Consultant according to the internal nomenclature at SAP.

    SLP: What was the biggest change for you in the last 10 years?

    R: The creation of the Project Delivery team by Toby Dyer. Showing how to organize work team professionally, how to care of people. It was a big change for the better at the moment when a lot of people left the company and all the others were thinking about it.

    SLP: 10 years has already passed. How do you feel about it?

    R: Strangely, I have no strong emotions associated with that. It is a pity that so few people from the initial team from Gliwice and Munich have stayed at the company.

    SLP: What was your plan for your career? Are you now in a completely different place than you originally planned to be?

    R: I wanted to be a developer for a long time, despite the fact that I chose to study mathematics. I just thought it would be easier. On the other hand, I didn’t want to become a programmer forever. To be a good developer you have to be passionate, constantly improve languages and solutions knowledge. I prefer difficult problems that could be solved by common sense and ingenuity. The work of the analyst perfectly suits to this. Each time I start a new project for a new customer, it’s a bit like a changing the job. The same cool team remains, but the challenges change, including changes of the technologies. There is a reset and the possibility to correct things that didn’t work well last time. I think I’m exactly where I wanted to be.

    SLP: What is the funniest memory or story from the 10 years?

    R: Over the years, there have been a lot of funny things, unfortunately most of that what comes to my mind are too long stories or the ones which shouldn’t be shared with anybody ? Something quick, a skill acquired at the terrace during the cool barbecue evening (quite warm for the late autumn), making a mulled non-alcoholic beer by an electric kettle. The beer boiled over a little, non-alcoholic wine would be better, but the fun was great.

    SLP: Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? ?

    R: A beach in the Dominican Republic? In a hut in the Alps? To be honest, I don’t know. We have been living in a dynamic world, on one hand, I’m too lazy to change anything, on the other hand, it seems to me that the experience gathered over the years- working in various teams/projects for different customers, has given me experience that can be used outside the IT world. Our branch shows how to work efficiently under time pressure, in some places such knowledge could be almost priceless. We will see.

    Thank you Radek for the interview. We wish you continued your career successfully.
    Happy Anniversary!
    The next story will be published soon.

    Written by SAP Labs Poland

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