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About On Job Training

Today, OJT still plays a critical role in organizations large and small, across virtually all industries. However, that doesn’t mean that it comes naturally or that there are no questions surrounding it. One of the most common questions is who should provide on-the-job training?

An In-depth information on a SAP APO project which targets on all the serious components of SAP APO will be provide by our trainer. As a result, you can augment your visibility and enlarge your effectiveness and illustrate genuine relations between different components of SAP APO. You will be provides with the whole syllabus covering all the aspects of this project.

Highlights of On Job Training

  • On-the-job training is learning by watching others and gaining hands-on experience in completing work supervised by a professional trainer, coworker or training manager. The period of your OJT depends on the amount of training you need to perform your work capably.
  • The training is usually conducted by a manager who can teach you the intricacies of the procedures and processes you need to master.
  • Apart from role-related skills and practical procedures, students can also learn workplace standards and general information in their initial job. These include company hierarchy, dress code, industry jargon, productivity expectations and working relationships with colleagues.


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Check What our recently places students say

Soumitro Dey

Process Associate

"I was working as an accountant ever since i started my career for 10 years but even after working for 10+ years my salary package was to low then i got to know about ZebLearn by my friend but any delay i visited their noida branch and finalized OJT. After the completion of Whole training i went through 3-4 interviews then got selected at Accenture in P2p Process"

S. Rathi

FI Consultant

"Went though the fast track OJT. Very Satisfied with the quality & Professionalism of the trainer . I would say have a word with their expert once before of make up your mind for any module, you will get the proper guidance & road-map of the training & projects"

Benefits of On-the-Job Training

  • Efficient OJT can help recruits prepare to work productively and successfully. Employees get added knowledge and skills and extra motivation to perform admirably. Enterprises gain the benefit of engaged staff members who are willing to work hard to achieve their targets. Here are some other ways on-the-job training can benefit company staff and companies alike
  • On-the-job training enables new hires to interact closely with their supervisors and peers from the beginning. They can thus understand their coworkers better and learn to work in cohesion with their team members. In this way, OJT can create a spirit of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm in a firm.
  • New personnel are likely to find onsite training and learning to be interactive and engaging. They'll show more interest in developing the needed job-related skills and competencies.

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