Destination: Digital – multi-cloud eco-system for future sustainable public places & infrastructure
In the following I will explain the case background, the challenges we faced, our solution approach with architecture and finally the benefits. For further information you can contact me.
The project was carried out on Rømø (Denmark), which with its limited geography functions optimally as a test laboratory. Through the collection and structuring of both public, private and semi-public data, the project will build a pilot on a dashboard and a data flow at destination level.
Sustainable year-round tourism is the growth engine that will drive development on Rømø. With a focus on sustainable year-round tourism, growth in tourism is created throughout the year. This leads to more jobs both in tourism and in other industries and increased settlement.
The project is realized via the following activities:
- Mapping and application of best practice data sources across partners
- Mapping of public, private and semi-public data sources
- Building a dashboard for analysis and interpretation of data sources
- Processing data to support marketing
- Business and business development with a focus on sustainability, behavioral design and nudging
- Evaluation and collection of experience with a view to further development of research project
- Knowledge sharing for other industries
- Visions for next-practice in the tourism industry
Challenges, Solution and Outcome
The Challenge
Tourism is economically important for most countries of the world. A well-developed infrastructure is creating a beneficial circle with which it encourages private investment and its economic profit, and on the other hand, private investment leads to the social profit. Many different stakeholders with contradicting needs and requirements needs to be connected with data driven platforms and networks.
The Solution
With Destination: Digital (nick name: Smart Island) we build a multi-cloud eco-system with process house for future sustainable Public Places / Infrastructures, as touristic or urban areas, exhibition centers, logistics hubs including aquire, storing, structuring and use of: IOT input, Image & meta data, external input sources, SoMe & public data for ethical & non-intrusive use, following compliance standards.
The Outcome
Ethical & non-intrusive use of emerging technologies such as IoT, AI, analytical data, CX, cyber security (GdPR compliance) in a hybrid cloud architecture. This process house is the foundation for all kind of commercial cases, infrastructural developments, safety of tourists and residents, DSG, environment in public places.
Stakeholders / Areas
The Architecture
The Sensor/Edge Layer
Business and Social Benefits
- Providing new tourism services based on new insights gained through machine learning and sensor information.
- Insight in traffic flow onto Rømø and drivers behind the traffic flow.
- Increase safety and reduce environmental footprint.
- Proven predictive capabilities on traffic onto Rømø and end destination on the island (beach, resort etc).
- Proven predictive capabilities regarding revenue for shop, and restaurants in product categories.
- Reduced food and packaging waste due to predictive capabilities.
- Infrastructure: higher availability, improved maintenance, and better planning.
IT Benefits
- Multiplatform architecture allowing for performance or cost optimization according to use case needs and requirements (eco-system of eco-systems)
- Data ingestion enabling privacy by design and default ensuring GDPR compliance.
- Cloud hosted AI object recognition using existing infrastructure (public webcams etc.) for traffic monitoring.
- E2E integration – from sensor to analytics support business solution.
- High scalability across all architecture layers and flexible adaptation and customisation.
Benefits for Human Empowerment
- Improved tourist/visitor experience due to:
- Real time information regarding optimal traffic times.
- Real time information regarding cue and waiting times for tourist attractions and shop/reastaurant visits.
- Improved owner/employee experience due to:
- Improved planning capabilities due to predictive revenue information.
- Predictive capabilities regarding rush and slow time enabling preparation and schedule planning.
Big Data, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing do not immediately match with vacation, environment, nature, shops. But it must in the future. For new technologies and digital solutions bring unimaginable opportunities to create new customer experiences, ensure more sustainable operations and better competitiveness – and for the tourism industry there is an untapped potential here. With Destination: Digital we lay the foundation to strengthen the digitalization within this industry and being the blueprint for other industries, focusing the comparable challenges.